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“Are You Terrified To Raise Your Prices Because You Are Afraid Of What Might Happen?”

Hi Business Owner,

My name is Bob Britton, a fellow small business owner and President of Marketing Automation Group.

Here to give you a little proven advice on pricing your business services.

Let me start by saying this.

What someone is willing to pay or not pay for one of your services depends on what their PERCIEVED VALUE is for the service.

Since your customer gets the perceived value of your services from YOUR marketing, the better your marketing is the MORE you can charge for your services.

“I Can Get Business Cheaper From This Or That Business.”

Sometimes you will hear clients say that they can get the same service somewhere else cheaper.

They really can’t and here is why.

First you are not selling a commodity like corn, beans, or gasoline. You are offering a completely unique service that no one else can offer. Your business is different from everyone else’s, you and your employees are different, you solve problems differently, you use different products and on and on. So the ENTIRE experience with you is different from EVERYONE else.

And second they may be lying about the price. They are negotiating with you. They want you to lower your price.

Here are 2 of the 5 reasons why you DON”T want to deal with a price buyer.

They do all the complaining.

They tell your other customers how little they paid you. They actually brag about it and this ruins your relationship with your good clients because it drives them off.

All Price Resistance is in the mind of the seller (YOU) not the buyer. Never predetermine what any amount of money means to someone you don’t know. What I mean by this is that $5,000 may seem like a small fortune to you but to one of your customers it may be peanuts.

So whenever you can you want to target your marketing and be selling to people who…

Make More Money Than YOU

The laziest and easiest thing you can do is price yourself below every one else. Because all that money is lost PROFIT. Then you have to cut corners to make money and then the value of your services goes down – it’s a vicious circle and you will not win.

I can prove to you that you can raise your prices right now 20% and NOTHING bad can happen – you can only make more money. This will put tens of thousands of dollars in YOUR pocket every year, starting instantly.

If you have any questions, need some immediate advice, or would like to get involved with one of my programs please give me a call at 585-633-7563.

To your success,

Bob Britton

How To Get New Customers Fast – Guaranteed

Marketing Leads Customers (1)Dear Business Owner,

My name is Bob Britton, a fellow small business owner and President of Marketing Automation Group.

The above statement may have startled you and even made you a bit angry but I know that this is a small price to pay to learn the truth about how to get new high paying customers for your business FAST. Because the alternative (not getting a steady stream of new customers every week) is financially painful, stressful, frustrating, and may force you out of business especially in these difficult economic times if not attended to right away.

Many business owners have no plan when it comes to marketing. They don’t know what to do, when to do it, or even if they should do it. And because there is no plan, they waste hundreds of dollars on foolish ads, poorly designed web sites, failing pay per click campaigns and brochures, when they don’t even have a slight chance getting customers from this kind of marketing.

Even worse is many business owners think that if they do exactly what the yellow page rep, newspaper, or printing company tells them to do it’ll be the end of their troubles. All this expert help will get them a ton of new customers.


You see these yellow page ad reps; newspaper ad reps get paid based on how much new business they bring in for their company. So the more money you spend the more money they make.

They don’t get paid based on the amount of customers they get for you. They aren’t concerned about that.

That’s why they keeping telling you to keep running your ads over and over. They tell you that people need to keep seeing the ads over and over before they will respond to them. There is a little truth to this. But if an ad loses money the first time you run it, it’s highly unlikely it will suddenly start to make money the 2nd, 3rd or 4th time you run it. Tip – here are the three rules of advertising 1) never do anything that you can’t directly track. 2) Never run an ad a second time that didn’t work the first time. And 3) never fall in love with your ad.

A few short years ago in my business, I was in the same position you may be right now. I did great work. I followed what everyone else was doing in the industry to try and get customers because I figured that if everyone is doing these things it must work, right?

Yeah right,

I went broke and realized that this kind of crappy marketing and advertising wasn’t even working for the companies that could afford to spend money on marketing and advertising.

Everything changed for me when I finally figured out……..

“How To Get Only Pre-Motivate, Pre-Interested, And Pre-Qualified Customers To Come To Me”

And once you discover how to do this, your life and your business will change forever! And guess what? I’m not going to just teach you how to do this. I know you are busy, and have a ton of stuff going on in your life. I’m literally going to give you my proven strategies, proven methods and proven techniques on a silver platter, so you just “plug” them into your business. Even if you are the laziest person on the face of the earth, you can easily get phenomenal results.

You don’t need much money to get tons of new customers – – What you really need is the right KNOWLEDGE!

And I am the only person in the CRM space “spilling the beans” and teaching the TRUTH on how to get new high paying customers cost effectively day-in and day-out.

If you have any questions, need some immediate advice, or would like to get involved with one of my programs please give me a call at 585-633-7563.

To your success,

Bob Britton