Consistency- The Key To Success
Hi Business Owner,
My name is Bob Britton, a fellow small business owner and President of Marketing Automation Group
On again off again. It’s a bad habit. And a very costly one for businesses. If you truly want to succeed and make big profits every year, you will have to be consistent.
We know one business owner who has OK marketing strategies, OK letters and OK ads. He does not have exceptional marketing strategies or ads. In fact you are way ahead of him in that category with this manual. But he consistently makes over $150,000 a year. He is consistent with his marketing strategies and his follow up. Yes it could be better, a lot better, but consistency is extremely important.
We also know another business owner who has some sensational ads, and some sensational letters. He barely makes $50,000 a year.
Simply because he is inconsistent. He doesn’t track his results. He doesn’t really know what is working and what isn’t.
A lot of people will tell you “This is working for me” and then when you analyze the numbers, you find out it’s not. The same is true for things people don’t think are working. Unless you know your numbers, you don’t know what’s working and what’s not.
Every time we talk to this business owner, he tells us how he is too busy to send thank you letters. And every time we say to ourselves “well, he won’t be too busy in a few months.” Then the next time we talk to him, it’s the same old story- ‘It’s dead, I don’t have any business.
He can’t figure out why this happens. It’s quite simple, but he won’t take the time and effort to be consistent.
If you have any questions, need some immediate advice, or would like to get involved with my program please give me a call at 585-633-7563.
To your success,
Bob Britton
Bob Britton is an accomplished entrepreneur with 25 year’s experience starting, building and growing both brick-and-mortar companies as well as online businesses. He's personally built 3 companies from one man shows to the million dollar mark. Marketing Automation Group and the Automated Entrepreneur Method® are his latest brainchild. After working with hundreds of business owners in every walk of business, he realized there was a HUGE gap in the support and training that was available, and set out to fill that void with his no-nonsense, hype free approach to business growth.