Hi Business Owner,
My name is Bob Britton, a fellow small business owner and President of Marketing Automation Group.
Here are the questions:
► Are you tired of working your tail off day after day and just scraping by with no money or free time to go out and really enjoy life?
►Have you “HAD IT” working 50+ hour’s week after week after week?
►Are you all stressed out during the week hoping and praying that you made enough money to cover payroll?
►Do you get pissed off because some of your employees make more than you do, go on more vacations than you do, come and go as they please, and don’t have any of the risks and stress that you have?
►Are you just about at your “wits end” and tired of the same old, same old, or do you finally want to be the most successful and profitable Business Professional in your market area?
►Do you want to be the envy of all your competitors and “the business” everyone is talking about?
► Is that “word of mouth” advertising that you rely so heavily on leaving time slots empty month after month?
► Are you sick and tired of wasting money on advertising that gets poor results?
► Are you tired of riding the It business roller coaster … busy one week, then wondering what the heck happened the next week?
► Are you fed up that you are NOT booked solid with appointments month after month like everyone told you would be if you just “give the business time”?
►Are you scared to death to raise your prices because you think customers will stop coming in?
► Have you had it with everyone giving you advice (including family members) on how to be more successful at your business?
►Have you thought about throwing in the towel and getting a “regular job” or doing something totally different with your life?
►Do you want to continue running your business and have a great “lifestyle” and have plenty of money to pay bills, pay off your mortgage, pay off your car loan, have a nice nest egg of cash all while working less and when you want to?
If you answered YES to one or more of these questions, then do yourself a BIG favor and take the next simple step and get my program.
I put my money where my mouth is. I am so certain that my system will put tens of thousands of dollars in your pocket; I give you a ”FREE Look” 1-Year 100% Money Back GUARANTEE Yes, it’s that simple, with no strings attached, no gimmicks. You have a full year to examine everything, test and use my strategies, methods and techniques, and if you’re not amazed at the amount of new clients attracted to you, how much your profits have increased, and thrilled with what I put in your hands – and eager to continue working with me – then you can simply put it all back in a box, return it, and get a full 100% refund issued the very same day we get the materials back. No questions. No hassles. You MUST be completely satisfied. If not, I want you ask for and get a refund and I’ll let you keep all the FREE Gifts.
If you have any questions, need some immediate advice, or would like to get involved with my program please give me a call at 585-633-7563.
To your success,
Bob Britton
Hi Business Owner,
My name is Bob Britton, a fellow small business owner and President of Marketing Automation Group.
What’s the difference between people who are highly effective and those who are NOT?
Why do some people seem to be able to accomplish a lot more than others when we are all given the same 24-hours each day?
What makes them different?
Do they have a higher IQ? Are they luckier?
Or are they just busier?
Nope, I am afraid it’s not that complicated.
Highly successful people know that it is NOT possible to do everything that should be done in a given day and they ONLY do the things that bring them the highest payoff.
They ONLY do their low payoff activities when they have finished their high payoff activities.
You see, most people don’t control their day, they let it control them. They wake up in the morning with no list, no plan, and no priorities for the day. They just start doing stuff as the day unravels.
They run around all day like a chicken with their head cut off and THINK they are accomplishing something when in reality, they aren’t.
I think deep down you know what the highest payoff activities in your business are, but in case you don’t, I’m here to tell you: they are the activities that get you CUSTOMERS.
Because without customers, you don’t have a business; without a steady stream of new customers each month, you will continue to struggle, suffer, and may even go flat broke.
So the FIRST thing you MUST do every day is your highest payoff activity, which is your marketing; The kind of marketing that I’ll show you how to do.
My easy to follow 1-2-3 step, paint-by-numbers system will get you all the new high paying clients YOU want. It will also show you how to explode all aspects of your business in a few short months.
If you have any questions, need some immediate advice, or would like to get involved with my program please give me a call at 585-633-7563.
To your success,
Bob Britton
Hi Business Owner,
My name is Bob Britton, a fellow small business owner and President of Marketing Automation Group.
Here is another FREE Business Marketing Strategy.
Live By Price, Die By Price
Everyone is so caught up with price. This is ridiculous.
People aren’t price shoppers if you educate them.
You can charge anything you want to as long as you can convince people you are worth it. That’s not that hard to do.
But if you live by price, you’ll die by price.
What we mean by this is that if you are the cheapest in town, you will probably go out of business.
Being the cheapest is terrifying to us. We would never want to be the cheapest.
We’d much rather explain price once then apologize for inferior service forever.
We’d much rather see three clients and make $600.00 than 10 clients and make the same amount!
Quality. Not quantity.
There are a few big national chains that live on low prices by having a huge turn-over.
You are not huge. You can’t make up quantity- it’s just too much work running you business and there are only so many hours in a day!
Cheap prices lead to inferior work.
Inferior work leads to unhappy clients.
Unhappy clients lead to no repeat business and no referrals.
If you have any questions, need some immediate advice, or would like to get involved with my program please give me a call at 585-633-7563.
To your success,
Bob Britton
Hi Business Owner,
My name is Bob Britton, a fellow small business owner and President of Marketing Automation Group.
I just got off the phone with John Baughman, a fellow business owner who invested in my program 3 1/2 months ago.
Are you sitting down?
Well, you need to be…because he EXPLODED from producing $16,127 a month to last month producing $24,986. That is a 36% increase in sales for one month. And because his fixed costs did not increase he put a good percentage of that extra $9,000 into HIS pocket that month. And John’s income will get BIGGER every single month because that is exactly what happened to me and several other business owners who got my program.
Now here’s why I share this with YOU:
First, John knew almost nothing about marketing, only the useless crap the “so called experts” told him at silly Industry seminars he attended.
Second, all he did was follow my simple plan all outlined for him in my business marketing kit. It is such a simple 123, paint by
numbers, cookie cutter approach, and heck it would be very hard (if not
impossible) even for a third grader to mess it up.
Third – HE TOOK ACTION. You see nothing happens without action and if John shunned off my program he STILL would be at his lousy sales
of $16,127 each and every month. But now because he TOOK ACTION
extra money WITHOUT extra work is rolling into his bank account
faster that he can count it. And because he TOOK ACTION, he is MUCH
HAPPIER and get this, he has NO damn stress anymore like you now
have I bet.
And forth, THIS COULD BE YOU in a few short months ONLY if you TAKE ACTION and take the next simple step.
If you have any questions, need some immediate advice, or would like to get involved with one of my programs please give me a call at 585-633-7563.
To your success,
Bob Britton
Hi Business Owner,
Here’s the email I just got:
I have been a member since day one. The MAG group has not only changed the way
I use Infusionsoft, but has changed the way view my business and market. I see
new opportunities where before there were none.
Your advice has put me on a track to success that I do not know if I would have
reached on my own. But the hidden bonus in MAG is all the other members. Being
around like minded people who all face the same or similar challenges, solutions
and ideas come instantly. It gives me an energy I never knew I possessed.
My business grew 45% in 2012, and we care only looking up up up!!!
Thanks for everything Bob!
– Eric Gordon, Beyond Times Square “
A Whopping 45% in Only 1 year!
I want to be very BLUNT with you. OK?
Are you ready?
The ONLY difference between YOU and Eric is that Eric TOOK ACTION and YOU have
NOT yet. You see this little story can still be all about YOU but (and this is a
BIG but) you must take the first step. I promise and guarantee you will get
similar results as Eric has.
Hey, here’s the simple truth…I’m just like you, a small business owner who has
worked his fanny-off for a lot of years.
Then I discovered that it didn’t have to be this hard!
I want to share with you what took me 15 years to figure out and perfect so you
don’t have to go through ALL the misery I did.
I put my money where my mouth is. I am so certain that my system will put tens
of thousands of dollars in your pocket; I give you a “FREE Look” 90-Day 100%
no questions asked GUARANTEE.
Yes, it’s that simple, with no strings attached, no gimmicks.
You have a full 90 days to examine everything, test and use my strategies, methods
and techniques, and if you’re not amazed at the amount of time saved, new clients
attracted to you, how much your profits have increased, and thrilled with what I
teach you – and eager to continue working with me – then you can simply shoot my
support team an email, and get a full 100% refund issued the very same day.
No questions. No hassles.
You MUST be completely satisfied. If not, I want you ask for and get a refund and
I’ll let you keep any and all of the FREE Gifts.
If you have any questions, need some immediate advice, or would like to get
involved with one of my programs please give me a call at (585) 633-7563.
To Your Success,
Bob Britton
Hi Business Owner,
My name is Bob Britton, a fellow small business owner and President of Marketing Automation Group.
Is this happening in YOUR business?
►Employees having more control than you would like them to have.
►Not getting good results from your advertising, (or even worse,
not knowing if you’re getting results).
►Not having a steady flow of NEW customers walking through your
doors every week or calling for appointments.
►Do you feel like you can’t raise your prices?
►Do you feel like your business is stagnant?
►Do you have NO MONEY at the end of the month?
►Are you at your wits end and don’t have the answers?
I can promise you this:
If YOU don’t take action, NOTHING will change for you!
My Business Marketing program is designed just for YOU!
I was NOT born with a Silver-Spoon in my mouth; I had to figure
out all this stuff with hard work, passion and spending a lot of money testing everything.
NOW it’s TIME to share it with you because…
“Anyone Who Stops Learning Is Old, Whether At Twenty Or Eighty. Anyone Who Keeps Learning Stays Young. The Greatest Thing In Life Is To Keep Your Mind Young”
I don’t care if you have one employee or 100. I don’t care if you work from your home or have a big prime location on a busy street. I WILL show you how to make more money, and work less doing it! And I just give you PROVEN methods, techniques, and systems that you “plug” into your business which bring in the new high paying customers and BIG money into YOUR bank account. NO Gimmicks and NO Baloney here.
I put my money where my mouth is. I am so certain that my system will put tens of thousands of dollars in your pocket; I give you a ”FREE Look” 1-Year 100% Money Back GUARANTEE Yes, it’s that simple, with no strings attached, no gimmicks. You have a full year to examine everything, test and use my strategies, methods and techniques, and if you’re not amazed at the amount of new clients attracted to you, how much your profits have increased, and thrilled with what I put in your hands – and eager to continue working with me – then you can simply put it all back in a box, return it, and get a full 100% refund issued the very same day we get the materials back. No questions. No hassles. You MUST be completely satisfied. If not, I want you ask for and get a refund and I’ll let you keep all the FREE Gifts.
If you have any questions, need some immediate advice, or would like to get involved with one of my programs please give me a call at 585-633-7563.
To your success,
Bob Britton
Hi Business Owner,
My name is Bob Britton, a fellow small business owner and President of Marketing Automation Group.
Here to give you a little proven advice on pricing your business services.
Let me start by saying this.
What someone is willing to pay or not pay for one of your services depends on what their PERCIEVED VALUE is for the service.
Since your customer gets the perceived value of your services from YOUR marketing, the better your marketing is the MORE you can charge for your services.
“I Can Get Business Cheaper From This Or That Business.”
Sometimes you will hear clients say that they can get the same service somewhere else cheaper.
They really can’t and here is why.
First you are not selling a commodity like corn, beans, or gasoline. You are offering a completely unique service that no one else can offer. Your business is different from everyone else’s, you and your employees are different, you solve problems differently, you use different products and on and on. So the ENTIRE experience with you is different from EVERYONE else.
And second they may be lying about the price. They are negotiating with you. They want you to lower your price.
Here are 2 of the 5 reasons why you DON”T want to deal with a price buyer.
They do all the complaining.
They tell your other customers how little they paid you. They actually brag about it and this ruins your relationship with your good clients because it drives them off.
All Price Resistance is in the mind of the seller (YOU) not the buyer. Never predetermine what any amount of money means to someone you don’t know. What I mean by this is that $5,000 may seem like a small fortune to you but to one of your customers it may be peanuts.
So whenever you can you want to target your marketing and be selling to people who…
Make More Money Than YOU
The laziest and easiest thing you can do is price yourself below every one else. Because all that money is lost PROFIT. Then you have to cut corners to make money and then the value of your services goes down – it’s a vicious circle and you will not win.
I can prove to you that you can raise your prices right now 20% and NOTHING bad can happen – you can only make more money. This will put tens of thousands of dollars in YOUR pocket every year, starting instantly.
If you have any questions, need some immediate advice, or would like to get involved with one of my programs please give me a call at 585-633-7563.
To your success,
Bob Britton