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Are You Being Sucked In By The Advertising “Blind Archery Trap”?

Are You Being Sucked In By The Advertising “Blind Archery Trap”?

Hi Business Owner,

My name is Bob Britton, a fellow small business owner and President of Marketing Automation Group.

This strategy is about hitting the “business marketing bull’s eye” and the steps you need to take to get away from the “Blind Archery Trap”. Most business owners run their advertising and marketing as if they were shooting at an archery target with a blindfold on trying to hit the bull’s eye.

In order to avoid the blind archery trap (diagram on next page) you have to target your marketing and concentrate only on marketing that is tractable and measurable. And you want to structure your marketing so that you are not running around looking for potential clients. You want them to come to you.

What is Unconventional Marketing?

Unconventional marketing is a series of automatic systems that deliver to your business pre-interested; pre-motivated and pre-qualified potential clients who want to buy your services and products. It is predictable and dependable and brings you the right amount of potential clients when you want them. All this is done automatically with out much manual labor on your part.

Unconventional Marketing is NOT?

Getting your name out there. Building your image. Running ads in magazines that are not tractable. Begging people for referrals, passing out your business card. Taking people out to lunch. Giving coffee mugs away with your logo on them. Giving out your web site address. Handing out your brochure and price list. Hoping and wishing for people to call you.

So how do you actually sell your computer services and products? How do you communicate it to your potential clients properly? How do you deliver it in a way so that it is enjoyable so people want to do business with you and you don’t come across as a pushy computer geek?

You have to change your positioning so that they are coming to you and you are NOT going after them. We will show you how to structure your marketing so that they are coming to you.

Now we have just flipped the positioning and now you have all the leverage.

If you have any questions, need some immediate advice, or would like to get involved with my program please give me a call at 585-633-7563.

To your success,

Bob Britton

Did You Know… No One Cares Who You Are Until They Know How You Can Help Them?

Did You Know… No One Cares Who You Are Until They Know How You Can Help Them?

Hi Business Owner,

My name is Bob Britton, a fellow small business owner and President of Marketing Automation Group.

That simple idea changed our lives and it can change yours too.

 If you want to get people’s attention — in a few words tell them how you can help them — then they’ll want to talk with you.

Once people know how you can help them, they’ll be hungry to hear from you, eager to talk with you. Getting the conversation started is the most important step to being successful. 

Without an easy way to get that initial conversation going, you’ll always be frustrated, no matter how smart or capable you are. That applies to everything from getting a response to emails, web marketing, direct marketing, and any other way you reach out and try to stimulate a response.


What is WIIFM?

Every human being is tuned into their own little radio station in their head and when confronted with a decision to make, that little voice asks “What’s In It For Me”.

So all your marketing and advertising MUST be geared to WIIFM because they don’t care about anything else.

Pretty selfish Hugh?

Its human nature, don’t fight it- use it to your advantage.

If you have any questions, need some immediate advice, or would like to get involved with my program please give me a call at 585-633-7563.

To your success,

Bob Britton

Have you done any simple market research?

feedbackillustrationHi Business Owner,

My name is Bob Britton, a fellow small business owner and president of Marketing Automation Group.

This simple strategy will help you turn your business around and get it heading in a profitable direction almost overnight.

 It requires a little extra effort on your part, but if you take action, you will uncover marketing opportunities and rewards that you never knew existed.

Ok, Here’s How:
1. Take a few of your best clients to coffee/lunch and ask them what they like and dislike about your business. Make sure they know that you want the honest truth because you value their opinion; you want to keep them as a client; and you want more clients just like them. 

After the meeting send a thank you letter. Make sure it’s personal. Anything less will weaken your sincerity.

2. Call up some of the clients that have not used you in a while and offer to take them to coffee or lunch. If they don’t want to meet in person, get information from them on the phone. Ask them why they haven’t used you lately; what you can do better; and what you do well. Then ask them if it’s OK for you to send them a ‘special thank you for your help gift’. Send a special offer, just for them. And make sure it has real value.

If you talk with 10 current and former clients and take good notes, you can use this information to improve your business and create marketing messages that target your potential clients more effectively.

 You’ll uncover many strengths and weaknesses. Some of them may shock you. Improve on your strengths, and fix your weaknesses. I guarantee you will get very valuable and useful information from this tip, and you will get a lot of satisfaction from the smart work you will accomplish. You might even get a few unexpected referrals, or win over a disgruntled client.

Asking for the honest, (and sometimes brutal,) truth is one of the hardest things a person or business owner can do. If you can find the inner strength of character to do this exercise, I promise: your life, (and cash flow), are going to start changing in BIG ways.

If you have any questions, need some immediate advice, or would like to get involved with my program please give me a call at 585-633-7563.

To your success,

Bob Britton

Do You Have A Marketing Plan?

Do You Have A Marketing Plan?

Hi Business Owner,

My name is Bob Britton, a fellow small business owner and President of Marketing Automation Group.

This is very important. It may seem obvious but less than 1% of all businesses actually do it. Even though it’s very simple, don’t underestimate its power!

The most important thing about marketing is to have a:

Marketing Plan

More businesses fail because they don’t have a plan or goals. You should have a detailed marketing plan of what you want to accomplish and how you are going to accomplish it.

Don’t be vague either. Things like ‘I want to make more money than I can ever spend’ or ‘I want to make $20,000.00 a month’ –these are not plans. They’re too vague and they won’t help you get there.

Be specific. As you go through this manual pick at least 5 ideas to start with. Write them down. Write how much you are going to make from each idea this week and this month. Then do a 3 month plan. And then do a 6 month plan.

Once you start using the first 5 ideas then add another 5. Then another. Soon you should be using almost all of the money making marketing strategies in this manual. (We say most because there might be one or two that just aren’t you. That’s OK. Use the ones that you are most excited about to begin with then branch out.)

Your plan should include money goals. Try to put your money goals in net (take home) to you, not gross. We know gross is what you are used to thinking in but net is obviously more important. One Business owner might do $250,000.00 in gross. It sounds impressive, right? But, after it’s all said and done if he only nets $50,000.00- that’s not very impressive at all.

First examine your current numbers. More than 80% of all businesses don’t know how many clients they get a month. That’s a deadly sin. You must know how you are currently doing.

You should know how many new clients you get each month, how much you make from each client and how much it costs you to acquire a new client.

Here’s an example:

Jake is a fictitious business owner. (The following scenario is full of numbers and figures chosen only for the sake of the illustration.) He’s been in business for 2 years. He gets most of his clients from walk-ins and from his yellow page’s ad.

He grosses $15,000 a month. His average ticket is $100.00

Therefore he gets 150 clients a month.

His net is 25% of gross or 3,750.

Jake wants to double his net income in 6 months, triple in 12 months. (We don’t blame him.)

Considering that Jake doesn’t know any of our marketing secrets (like how to charge more for his services), he will have to get twice as many clients to double his business.

Goal: 300 clients a month.

He currently gets 100 clients a month from his “store visits” and about 50 from his yellow pages ads. But he gets around 15 calls a month from his yellow pages and about 30 “store visits” a week that ask questions but don’t buy or schedule a service call. So he currently only ‘converts’ about 65% of all his prospects.

If he doesn’t learn any of our methods to improve his 65% conversion ratio, then he’ll have to get 405 prospects to get 300 clients.

His plan to get 405 prospects:

100 from his store visits
50 from his Yellow Pages
20 from his new mover letters
90 from his 3-step Letter
50 from repeat service contacts
30 from emailing current clients
30 from the internet
30 from her referral Program =
405 Prospects

You should have a weekly plan. Schedule 15 min. out of one day to make up your weekly plan and to see how you did the last week. Schedule this time and keep to it. Don’t see any clients during this time, keep it strictly for planning. If you do just this and not one more of our secrets, you will easily double your income in 12 months.

Of course, Jake didn’t know any of our secrets to double the profit from all his clients. If he did both- double his profits from each client and double the amount of clients, he’d quadruple his business in less than 6 months.

Your weekly plan should include the following:

Goal for total net income.
Goal for number of new clients.
Goal for number of repeat clients.
Goal for number of referrals.
Average net income from each client.
The number of prospects you’ll have to generate to reach your goal.
A detailed plan to generate the number of prospects you need.

Your plan doesn’t need to be typed or put into a computer. It can be handwritten on paper. The important part is that you do a plan every single week and keep on top of things.

If you have any questions, need some immediate advice, or would like to get involved with my program please give me a call at 585-633-7563.

To your success,

Bob Britton

“Relax – Help is Here”

“Relax – Help is Here”

Hi Business Owner,

My name is Bob Britton, a fellow small business owner and president of Marketing Automation Group.

Here is some advice I just gave to my 143 members who are Business owners just like you. I usually only give out strategies, methods and techniques to get new clients fast, easy, and for a low cost, BUT this is what I do and it works.

So here you go.

Take Time Off Every Week – First of all, work only five or six days per week, and rest completely on the seventh day. Every single study in this area shows that you will be far more productive in the five or six days that you work if you take one or two days off completely than you ever would be if you worked straight through for seven days.

Get Your Mind Busy Elsewhere – During this time off, do not catch up on paperwork, or do anything else that requires mental effort. Simply let your mind relax completely, and get busy doing things with your family and friends. Maybe work around the house, go for a walk, watch television, go to a movie, or play with your children. Whatever you do, discipline yourself to shut your mental gears off completely for at least one 24-hour period every seven days.

Get Away on Mini-Vacations – Second, take one three-day vacation every three months, and during that time, refrain from doing any work. Do not attempt to catch up on even a few small things. If you do, you keep your mental gears in motion, and you end up neither resting nor properly doing work of any quality.

Take Big Chunks of Down Time – Third, take at least two full weeks off each year during which you do nothing that is work-related. You can either work or relax; you cannot do both. If you attempt to do a little work while you are on vacation, you never give your mental and emotional batteries a chance to recharge. You’ll come back from your vacation just as tired as you were when you left.

Give Yourself a Break Today – If you are involved in a difficult relationship, or situation at work that is emotionally draining, discipline yourself to take a complete break from it at least one day per week. Put the concern out of your mind. Refuse to think about it. Don’t continually discuss it, make telephone calls about it or mull it over in your mind. You cannot perform at your best mentally if you are emotionally preoccupied with a person or situation. You have to give yourself a break.

Go For a Walk in Nature – Since a change is as good as a rest, going for a nice long walk is a wonderful way to relax emotionally and mentally. As you put your body into motion, your thoughts and feelings seem to relax all by themselves.

Eat Lighter Foods – Also, remember that the process of digestion consumes an enormous amount of physical energy. Therefore, if you eat lighter foods, you will feel better and more refreshed afterward. If you eat more fruits, vegetables, and whole-grain products, your digestive system will require far less energy to process them.

Be Good to Yourself – Since your diet has such an impact on your level of physical energy, and through it your levels of mental and emotional energy, the more fastidious you are about what you put into your mouth, the better you will feel and the more productive you will be. We know now that foods high in fat, sugar, or salt are not good for your body. The lighter the foods you eat, the more energy you have AND Relax, I am here to help.

IF the marketing you are doing now is NOT filling up your store with high quality customers or your phone is not ringing off the hook every week it because you are using OLD methods, OLD strategies and OLD marketing that just doesn’t work that well anymore

If you have any questions, need some immediate advice, or would like to get involved with my program please give me a call at 585-633-7563.

To your success,

Bob Britton

“Are You Happy With The Results Your Yellow Page Ad Is Getting?”

“Are You Happy With The Results Your Yellow Page Ad Is Getting?”

Hi Business Owner,

My name is Bob Britton, a fellow small business owner and President of Marketing Automation Group.

If you are NOT getting the results with your yellow page ad you want or hoped you would get when you signed on the dotted line, its because……

Are you really ready to hear this?

Your ad STINKS

Plain and simple, let me explain.
Until now maybe you thought the Yellow Pages were just a necessary evil. May be you said, “I’ve tried the Yellow Pages before they don’t work.” I don’t blame you. Really, how powerful is an ad that looks almost identical to the hundreds of other ads it’s buried between? How powerful is an ad shoved between your competitor’s with little setting it apart but slightly different graphics, and phone numbers?

Now, think about this. To make a sale you need the right message to the right market at the right time. When someone digs out the phone book and looks through the Yellow Pages for a company to fix their computer they are the right market, and they are looking for a company so it’s the right time. All you need is to furnish the right message
Huge Potential

The potential for this medium of advertising is huge. But, there is one small problem. Hardly anyone knows how to create an effective ad. See for yourself, open up your Yellow Pages right now and look through the ads. Copy cat ad, after copy cat ad, you’ll see the only difference in these name, rank & serial number ads is the name of the businesses.

What if YOU ran a Yellow Pages ad that was a real, honest to goodness, attention-getting, direct response-oriented ad?

What would be the results of doing this?

Why, people might actually be motivated to call your business and use your services!

See, the Yellow Pages are a directory for people who already want a service and are looking to see who delivers that service in their area.

But, just because they’re looking for a service, that doesn’t mean your advertising must be boring and “professional.” It doesn’t mean that you have to look like everyone else.

Don’t Listen To What Yellow Page Reps Tell You

They are not trained in emotional direct response marketing. In fact, you will be surprised to know, they don’t know very much about marketing at all, that’s why they tell everyone to run the same ads. And the only thing they really are concerned about is selling you the BIGGEST ad they can because the more money they suck out of you each and every month the bigger their commission check is. This may not seem fair or even ethical but this IS the reality of the yellow page business.

If you have any questions, need some immediate advice, or would like to get involved with my program please give me a call at 585-633-7563.

To your success,

Bob Britton

Are you picking the low hanging fruit first?

Low Hanging FruitHi Business Owner,

My name is Bob Britton, a fellow small business owner and President of Marketing Automation Group.

This morning I am going to talk to you about how to increase your business’ income the easiest and fastest way I’ve found.

There are only two general categories where you can get new customers and they are:

1. From your current customers, past customers themselves, or from referrals

2. From marketing and advertising for new customers via the ways I show you.

It is much easier, faster, and cheaper to tap into your customers list for new customers.

Here is why: Birds of a feather flock together. What I mean is that your current customers picked YOU and YOU were attracted to them for reasons. The other people your customer’s know and hang around with are like them. That is WHY they hang around them. So they will most likely be comfortable with you as well.

You are eliminating the biggest resistance when someone buys something: The fear of the UNKNOWN. Your potential customer goes through a thought process something like this: “If my friend is happy with ABC Business and I usually agree with my friend, then I will like ABC Business, too.

It’s cheaper. There is NO cost or only a small referral fee to acquire the customer.

So if you start marketing to your customer list you are picking the “lowest hanging fruit,” which means you are working very
SMART and leveraging your greatest asset; Your customer List.

Now of course this assumes that your customer list is all put together. If you don’t have addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses, have your customers fill out a form when you go to them or they come to you. If your customer list is old you MUST get updated information. I cannot stress the importance of this.

I was told once that there are basically three types of people:

1. Those who MAKE things happen,
2. Those who WATCH what happens,
3. And those who don’t know WHAT the heck happened.

I know you are a “make things happen” kind of person, or you wouldn’t be reading blogs, interested in learning how to improve your business. If you have any questions, need some immediate advice, or would like to get involved with my program please give me a call at 585-633-7563.

To your success,

Bob Britton

FREE Business Marketing Strategy – Thank-you letters

Hi Business Owner,

My name is Bob Britton, a fellow small business owner and President of Marketing Automation Group.

Here is another FREE Business Marketing Strategy.

Thank-you letters

Thank you letters are very important and often overlooked by business owners. Thank you letters create a positive feeling about your business and services.

When was the last time you received a thank-you from anyone you did business with? Most businesses just don’t bother. People will be so “wowed” they will talk highly of your business and return for more.

For 45 cents you create a good feeling about your business. This is one of the cheapest ways that you can build loyalty, trust and a chance to get more referrals.

You should use a form of ‘thank-you’ and send it out the day after a client visits your store or you visit them. This is very easy. You just put the form into your computer and then add the persons name and print. Simple. Cheap. Easy. And very effective. It has impact because the client feels special.

If you have any questions, need some immediate advice, or would like to get involved with my program please give me a call at 585-633-7563.

To your success,

Bob Britton



Good Morning Business Owner,

My name is Bob Britton, a fellow small business owner and president of Marketing Automation Group.

I’m going to teach you how to raise the DEAD. It’s called Zombification.

Why are you laughing?

Hey we ALL have dead customers. Not Dead Dead – I mean customers that don’t come into your store or call you for an appointment anymore. It happens. Sometimes their needs change; sometimes their financial circumstance change, and sometimes, we change.

BUT the end result is a customer who stops coming in and buying from you. Which is awful because we all know the effort it takes to get a customer in the first place?

Now I don’t want you to feel bad about NOT doing this stuff, but… Guess how many business owners have an active “Customer Reactivation” plan?

1 in 100… maybe…

I’m going to show you exactly what to say to a dead customer so you can zombify them. Remember, Zombies are the living dead – Zombification helps them find their wallets again. By-the-way, How’s this analogy working for you?

You might not even KNOW your customers are dead because you haven’t established a standard for dead-ness. So, first things first – we need to make a list of who’s dead and who’s not.

Answer this question – How often do your customers come into your store or call for service on their computer? Is it every 2, 4, 5, or 6 months.

The amount of time I use to determine if a customer is dead is 12 months.


Because I have customers who come in every 3, every 4, every 5, AND every 6 months. So if a customer doesn’t come in my business in 12 months they have missed at least 1 visit if they usually come in every 6 months.

So we have established a “DEAD” customer if they have NOT come into your store or you did not service their computer in say 12 months. Or you may just know they are dead, just making sure that you would consider them DEAD.

Now, to that list of dead customers, I want you to send them a letter that says the following. If you have their email address, send them and email.

I almost forgot – I hope you have the ~Contact.FirstName~s and addresses of all your customers. If you don’t you can’t do this. So PLEASE for your own sake START getting the ~Contact.FirstName~s, address and email addresses of all your customers when they come in or you go to them. Just have them fill out a form.

Dear Client Name,

I want to sincerely thank you for all times you have (come into our store) or (allowed us to service your computers) and for all the business we’ve done together in the past.

However, (this is important, because “However” sound grave), I recently noticed that we haven’t seen you in quite a while. I was hoping to find out why.

Perhaps we’ve done something wrong – and if we have, I’d like to know what that is. This way, maybe we can fix it for you, but certainly I can make sure it won’t happen again to anyone else.

(Now this is IMPORTANT)

Also, I wanted to make you aware of a (New product, service, or upgrade) that we’ve just rolled out.

Because you’re an important client, I wanted to extend to you a (some kind of reward, discount, something extra) on this (new product, service, or upgrade)

Committed to your success,

Jane Doe
ABC Business
123 Any Street
Any City, 12345

P.S. Please give me a call anytime at 123-4567 and I hope to see you soon.

NOTE-You MUST make them an offer. Make it as good you’re reasonably able to do.

Now, let me tell you why you probably won’t do this. You’re thinking that you’re going to make them upset. You’re thinking that if YOU got a letter like this that you’d turn on the paper shredder.

Question – there are business owners and there are clients – which are you? Do you think you are normal? Uh HELLO! You RUN A BUSINESS. That makes you ABNORMAL.

Remember, we’re not like most people. We’re different. NEVER assume that you are a model of your client, because you are not, and you never will be. So you CAN”T draw an analogy between your thoughts, behaviors, and choices and theirs.

Please GET this; Even IF they turn on the paper shredder – they were dead ALREADY, You’re not in danger of ruing a relationship with a dead client.

If you have any questions, need some immediate advice, or would like to get involved with my program please give me a call at 585-633-7563.

To your success,

Bob Britton

FREE Business Marketing Strategy – Use Letters Not Brochures

Good Morning Business Owner,

My name is Bob Britton, a fellow small business owner and President of Marketing Automation Group.

Here is another FREE Business Marketing Strategy.

Use Letters Not Brochures

Fancy, 3-color brochures are very expensive. You have to get at least 1,000 printed at once. Then you have your money tied up in inventory.

Why Brochures Don’t Work

They immediately yell out ‘This is a sales message.’ Once someone thinks you are trying to sell them something, they are much less receptive.

Have you seen the cartoon with General Patton?

Patton is in the middle of a huge battle and a man comes up to him with a box full of guns. Patton says ‘I don’t have time for a salesman right now; I’m in the middle of a war’.

You see, even if you have exactly what a prospect needs if they think you are a “salesman” it will be difficult to get through to them.

It’s the same thing with your sales message. A brochure is immediately recognized as a sales message. It’s fancy but boring.

With brochures, you can’t cheaply and easily change your message. Things can change quickly. Maybe you decide to change an offer or worse discontinue a particular service. You can’t change your brochure so you either have inaccurate information or you have to spend a ton of money all over again to get it redone.

You can’t cheaply test it. You should always test, test, and test. With brochures you have to get a lot printed at once then if it doesn’t work, you have wasted a lot of money.

Why Letters Always Get Better Response:

Letters look and feel personal. People think of letters as personal and brochures as sales.

Letters are very inexpensive. You can get as few done at a time as you need. Your money won’t be tied up in ‘inventory’. All of your marketing dollars will be out there working for you

Letters are easily changed. If something about your business changed you can quickly, easily and inexpensively change your sales message.

If your letter didn’t work as well as you’d like, you can easily improve it. Letters have no waste.

If you have any questions, need some immediate advice, or would like to get involved with my program please give me a call at 585-633-7563.

To your success,

Bob Britton